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WURE AREA / 工廈角落 Hidden Town

WURE AREA / 工廈角落 Hidden Town
WURE AREA / 工廈角落 Hidden Town

WURE AREA / 工廈角落 Hidden Town

「 光影作坊 」 影像策展人培訓計劃成果展示 —— 劉東佩策展 《 工廈角落 》




《 工廈角落 》的靈感,源自展出場地——獨立藝術空間WURE AREA 所在的寶隆中心,藉此延伸至九龍灣一帶的工業大廈。兩位攝影師遊走區內工業大廈,一內一外互相結合,以不同角度聚焦不一樣的工廈風景。



Industrial buildings often remind us of garages or warehouses. It also breeds antique stores and hand-painted porcelain factories, which generate creativity and vitality.


The title Hidden Town was inspired by WURE AREA, an independent art space in the Kowloon Bay Industrial Area. Two photographers, Rabbit Ho and Hiuman Lam, walked around the area’s industrial buildings and captured them from different angles.


Rabbit Ho‘s lens revealed the buildings’ appearances, each adorned with cute bunny patterns, inviting viewers to discover the easily overlooked details. Hiuman Lam‘s focus, on the other hand, was on the diverse array of people and shops concealed within the industrial buildings, each with a unique story.


This project aims to reflect the vitality and diverse appearance of industrial buildings.


林曉敏 @lam_hiuman

「 香港遺美 @hkreminiscence 」創辦人,著有《 香港遺美——香港老店記錄 》一書。


何逸 @hidden.rabbits

何逸( Rabbit Ho ) 寓攝影於寫作,作品圍繞香港城市景觀及人文風景,曾舉辦《 大隱若兔 》展覽,並推出同名攝影集。


策展人 —— 劉東佩 @lau_tung_pui

香港攝影平台「 顯影 」 @photogstory 創辦人,從事攝影寫作,近年開始策劃攝影展覽。


《 工廈角落 Hidden Town 》


Date: 15-30.06.2024



Time: 1 pm-6pm, Friday to Tuesday (Closed on Wednesday and Thursday).



Opening: 15.6.2024. Sat, 16:00-18:00



Venue partner: @wurearea


地址:九龍灣宏照道11號寳隆中心B座7樓707室WURE AREA

Venue: WURE AREA, Flat 707, 7/F, Block B, Po Lung Centre, 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay



Organized by Lumenvisum @lumenvisum



Supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council



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