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Warm & Wonderful 戴安娜王妃最珍愛的「 害群之羊 」毛衣重見天日

Warm & Wonderful 毛衣因 #戴安娜王妃 在 80 年代曾多次穿著而聞名,現將於 9 月份在 #蘇富比 網上「 時尚偶像拍賣會 」上進行拍賣。

1981 年 6 月,剛剛與查理斯王子訂婚後不久,當時 19 歲的戴安娜王妃在一場馬球比賽中首次穿著這件帶有俏皮圖案的羊毛毛衣,上面有一群白羊和一隻黑羊。這件毛衣是由 #SallyMuir#JoannaOsborne 為他們的針織品品牌 @WarmAndWonderful 設計,一經推出立即引起轟動,戴安娜王妃也從此成為了時尚偶像和世界上曝光率最高的女性之一。

後來由於毛衣的袖子損壞了,戴安娜將它寄回給設計師作修補。然而設計師認為無法完美地修復損壞處,於是她們為戴安娜製作了一件全新毛衣。繼而於 1983 年,戴安娜以白色牛仔褲和黑色領帶搭配,第二次於公開場合穿著這款她最鍾愛的 「 害群之羊 」 毛衣。

這件 Warm & Wonderful 毛衣預計拍賣成交價為 40,000 英鎊元至 70,000 英鎊,將於 9 月 7 日至 13 日在蘇富比紐約展廳展出,網上競拍時間為 8 月 31 日至 9 月 14 日。蘇富比全球時尚與配飾主管 #CynthiaHoulton 表示,這毛衣是一件非凡的服裝,體現了戴安娜王妃的魅力、優雅和對時尚的敏銳眼光。

▪Princess Diana’s Iconic 'Black Sheep' Jumper Rediscovered

#PrincessDiana 's famous Warm & Wonderful jumper, which she wore on several occasions in the 1980s, is set to go under the hammer at Sotheby's online Fashion Icons sale in September.

The then 19-year-old #LadyDiana Spencer wore the playfully patterned wool jumper featuring a flock of white sheep and a single black sheep at a polo match in June 1981, shortly after her engagement to #PrinceCharles. The jumper was designed by Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne for their knitwear label, #WarmAndWonderful , and became an instant sensation, with Diana already being noticed as a style icon and one of the world's most photographed women. After damaging the jumper's sleeve, Diana sent it back to the designers, who made a new one that she wore to a 1983 event with white jeans and a black ribbon tie.

The Warm & Wonderful jumper is estimated to sell for £40,000 to £70,000 at auction, and will be displayed at Sotheby's New York showroom from September 7 to 13. Online bidding runs from August 31 to September 14. Cynthia Houlton, Sotheby's global head of fashion and accessories, said that the jumper is an exceptional garment that carries the whispers of Princess Diana's charm, grace, and keen eye for fashion.


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