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Make A Scene Studio / 海天一色的精靈聖殿 峇里島編織技術傳承

Make A Scene Studio / 海天一色的精靈聖殿 峇里島編織技術傳承


Make A Scene Studio 是來自印尼峇里島的藝術團隊,由多名設計師和專業編織者組成。他們採用的「 Busung and Slepan 」 棕櫚葉編織技術,由父母代代相傳,為整個家庭團結一致的作業,主力負責巴厘島生活中被認為最重要的宗教儀式。

為保護這歷史悠久、技術精湛的傳統工藝,MAS Studio 打造出各式各樣比真人更大的雕塑、藝術裝置和活動景點,並結合戲劇、文化故事敘述和永續性等元素在內。近日他們亦推出了「 穿戴式藝術 」編織珠寶和身體裝飾品系列,將編織、裁剪和塑形技術提升到了前所未有的革新。

這些獨特的作品皆出自兩位創作人 Chloe Rose Quinn 和 Ida Bagus Gede Ari Artana 的結合,他們互相欣賞彼此在劇院設計和傳統椰葉編織方面的專業知識,並結合現代和傳統方法,同時呈現新鮮觀點及承傳文化。

Make A Scene Studio is a team of designers and expert weavers based in Bali. The art of weaving with coconut leaf “Busung and Slepan” has been a generational tradition, where families come together to assist with the elaborate ceremonies in Balinese religious life.

Committed to upholding traditions and masterful artistry, they specialize in crafting monumental sculptures, art installations, and event decor that celebrate drama, cultural narratives, and sustainability. In addition, they have recently introduced their first line of wearable art consisting of woven jewelry and body embellishments, showcasing their weaving, cutting, and shaping skills in a fresh and innovative way.

This distinctive collaboration emerged from the partnership of two innovative minds, Chloe Rose Quinn and Ida Bagus Gede Ari Artana, who shared a mutual appreciation for theatre design and traditional coconut leaf weaving. Together, they have established a captivating platform for their shared passions, blending contemporary and traditional techniques, while welcoming new perspectives and exchanging expertise.

更多藝術資料,請追蹤 @arlevard


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