LOEWE @loewe@jonathan.anderson 於巴黎 2024 春夏男裝展中,上演了一場別具心思的藝術與時尚展示。該系列的設計理念是 「 以魚眼視覺看人 」,以全新設計比例挑戰觀者看待事物的觀點。會場中央更放置了三組由著名美國雕塑家 #LyndaBenglis 創作的噴泉,為時裝展蒙上一層額外的美感和意義。
Benglis 的潛水的經歷影響了她對水的認知,使她能夠以獨特的方式捕捉水的形態。 她形容《 犒賞、琥珀浪、豐碩平原 》是一場 「 水的爆破 」,然後凍結成青銅,繼而湧出泉水。Benglis 的噴泉與 LOEWE 2024 春夏男裝系列的結合,挑戰觀者重新定義美的觀念。
LOEWE 一直透過與藝術家合作,展開時尚與藝術之間的對話。該品牌近日亦披露了即將推出的計劃,屆時將與另一位著名雕塑家 #FranzWest 合作。
A study on perspective.
How points of view define perceptions and scales?
And how perceptions and scales draw silhouettes?
LOEWE‘s SS24 Men’s show in Paris was a stunning display of art and fashion. The collection was designed with the concept of a ”fisheye lens looking up at someone“ which attempted to change our perception of human forms. The use of Lynda Benglis‘ fountains in the show added an extra layer of beauty and meaning to the runway.
Benglis’ experience of scuba diving influenced her creation of the fountains, allowing her to capture the forms of water in a unique way. Benglis explains ”Bounty, Amber Waves, Fruited Plane“ was an explosion of water that is frozen in bronze, emitting the essence of water. The combination of Benglis‘ fountains and LOEWE’s SS24 Men‘s collection challenges the viewers to reimagine how clothing can be constructed.
Crescendo, 1983-1984/2014-2015
Bounty, Amber Waves, Fruited Plane, 2021
Bronze with black patina
Knight Mer, 2007-2022
📍 La Garde Républicaine, Paris
📷 ©️2023 Lynda Benglis / Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY.
Lynda Benglis: Water Sources video, courtesy of Storm King Art Center ©️Adam Kaufman, producer
Courtesy of the Artist and Pace Gallery, New York.