德國藝術家 Florian Görlitz 以其創新的裝置而為人熟悉,我們可以在開放空間、音樂節、博物館等看到他的作品。透過將幾何結構與自然元素融合,他創造結合了動態、燈光和幻覺圖案的裝置藝術。
Görlitz 曾經在馬德里、巴塞隆納、伊維薩島和克羅埃西亞等地展出他的藝術作品。最近,他亦受邀參與世界著名的火人節。
German Artist, Florian Görlitz is known for his innovative installations, which can be found in open spaces, festivals, museums and other venues. By fusing geometric structures with elements from nature, he creates dynamic installations that combine synchronized movements, lights, and illusionary patterns.
Görlitz’s works exude a hypnotic magic, imparting a sense of calm amidst life’s chaos. He believes that hypnosis is one of the easiest ways to reset our minds to let our mental power extend to its full potential.
Görlitz has exhibited his art in several places, including Madrid, Barcelona, Ibiza, and Croatia. Recently, he was invited to showcase his art at the world-renowned #BurningManFestival.
更多藝術資料,請追蹤 @arlevard