現居於美國紐約的加拿大籍藝術家 #BradleyHart 以個人及其他經典畫作為創作題材,為 #氣泡膜 注入丙烯酸顏料進行創作,從而衍生出一系列極具個人意義和故事性的作品。
氣泡膜本來是在 1957 年發明作家居牆紙用途,而後來才被發展用作包裝物料。 Hart 靈機一觸將這些氣泡膜轉變為藝術用途的素材,並向其原有用途致敬。
Hart 利用氣泡膜同時打造兩幅畫作,從而產生兩種不同的效果。「 傾注 」系列具有照片般的真實感;而「 印象 」系列則朦朧不清,呈現顏料和空氣在創作過程中加以輾壓後產生的變化。Hart 運用這兩個系列之間的互動,闡述記憶一瞬即逝的特質,以暗示記憶可隨時間而產生變化。
Canadian Artist (currently living and working in New York) Bradley Hart creates bubble wrap pieces by injecting each bubble with acrylic paint, then removing the excess drips to reveal a derivative work with its own meaning and story.
Bubble wrap was originally invented as a form of wall covering since 1957, and was later used as a packaging material. Hart created a series of works using bubble wrap as the primary material, paying homage to its original use while flipping its usage into art itself.
Hart’s unique artistic process involves using bubble wrap as a support to create two paintings simultaneously, resulting in two different effects. The ”Injection“ series paintings are photorealistic, while the ”Impression“ series paintings are less distinct, showing how the paint reacts to the process. This interaction between the two series demonstrates Hart‘s intention of depicting the plastic quality of memory by capturing a moment and how it disintegrates and changes over time.
▪資料及圖片轉載自 Bradley Hart Studio