JPS 畫廊將於香港置地廣場中庭的藝術空間呈獻 August Vilella 的個人展覽「夏日微風」。繼 邁亞密巴塞爾藝術展、香港巴塞爾藝術展和紐約 TEFAF 的展出後, August 帶來新作「夏日 微風」,以標誌性的大眼睛角色帶領觀眾一同沉醉於超現實的冥想之中。是次展覽為 August 2021年個展「秋天的童話」的續章,藝術家以季節恆變為靈感,描繪夢幻的初夏意 境,標誌著其畫風的演變。
August 以超現實主義的自主意識繪畫,創作出異想天開的作品,他不會事先起稿或構思主 題,全由潛意識主導。這些大眼生物不只描繪藝術家的內心,同時與觀眾展開對話。藝術家曾道:「我並沒有刻意去選擇我的角色,在某程度上......是他們選擇了我。」August 的創作 過程就如爵士樂,刻意地任由潛意識演奏,形象化其內在的隱藏領域。
有別於 August 以往憂鬱深沉的演繹,新系列呈現出鮮明活潑的畫風,以角色們好奇的眼神 映襯充滿活力的夏日元素。藝術家在畫布上細緻地塗上一層又一層的油畫顏料和清漆,配合 纖薄而有層次的筆觸,塑造出既華麗又生動的虛構景象,與毫無束縛的構思過程形成強烈對 比。
在畫作 《Summer Friends》(2023)中,August 巧妙地運用光影效果和簡單直接的構圖,營 造出感性又帶點迷濛的氛圍,吸引觀眾揣摩當中的含義。然而,由於觀眾的理解各有不同, 作品的意義也因此變得獨一無二、不受規限,像鏡子般反映我們內心深處埋藏的想法。 就讓我們在夏日微風的輕撫下,欣賞August 由潛意識主導的華麗作品。透過角色們的靈魂之 窗,帶領我們傾聽被忽略的心聲。
關於 August Vilella
August Vilella 是一位自學油畫畫家,他的畫作清新脫俗,讓當代藝術與古典藝術遙相對話。 他不起稿,也不事先構思主題,而是把超現實主義的技法自然融入油畫當中,他的每一張畫 作也由零出發,讓他的靈魂從潛意識浮現到畫布上。他採用經典的油畫光影技術,,讓作品 呈現出如夢似幻的氛圍,並蘊藏著一種隱喻性,甚至是哲學性的語言。
他精湛的油畫技術使人不其然聯想起古典大師的鉅著。當古典特色遇上當代個人風格,趣味 便油然而生。August 的筆下角色都擁有一雙水靈靈的大眼睛,彷佛定神地望穿了觀眾的靈 魂,刺探他們心底幽深的秘密。
August 出生於1986年的巴塞羅那,現於東京生活和工作。他曾獲獎無數,包括2016年東京藝 術博覽會的「最佳藝術家」、2017年阿聯酋杜拜全球藝術獎的「最具創意藝術獎」、2018年 的國際藝術家大獎賽和台北新藝術博覽會的「大會主席獎」。 在2022年,August 踏入藝術 生涯的重要里程碑。他的畫作在世界舞台上大放異彩,分別在邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展、香港巴 塞爾藝術展和紐約 TEFAF 成功展出,更在日本東京千代田區九段的著名歷史建築物 Kudan House 舉辦個人展覧「Memories」。他的作品還曾刊登在《Vice》、《糖果雜誌》和 《Beautiful Bizarre》等不同的媒體上。
關於JPS畫廊 JPS畫廊始創於2014年,先後在香港、日本和巴黎成立畫廊空間,並將2023年秋季於巴塞隆 拿成立新的畫廊空間。是一所主打當代藝術的畫廊,代理來自世界各地的新晉及知名藝術 家。
畫廊旗下的藝術家大玩流行文化,從現代生活文化符號取材,以不同媒介創作出獨特的當代 藝術品,趣緻玩味,呈現當代美學。本畫廊不但為新一代藝術家提供自由的創作空間,亦為 收藏家提供別樹一幟的藝術品,更為香港藝術品市場帶來緊貼時代潮流的作品。更為香港藝 術品市場帶來緊貼時代潮流的作品。
我們矢志於推動香港及日本的文化與藝術界發展,為本地建立充滿活力的藝術社區。我們會 定期為藝術家於香港和東京兩地的畫廊設置展覽,亦會安排他們的作品於國際藝術節展出, 讓新晉藝術家得以於國際舞台嶄露頭角,同時維持知名藝術家在全球藝術市場的熱度。除了 貢獻本地藝術界,畫廊亦熱心公益,積極參與和贊助各項慈善和義賣活動以回饋社會。
地點 香港中環皇后大道中15號置地廣塲中庭2樓218-219號舖
JPS Gallery is thrilled to present Summer Breeze, a solo exhibition of August Vilella, which will be on view at the gallery’s Hong Kong location in LANDMARK ATRIUM. After his recent shows in Art Basel Miami, Art Basel Hong Kong, and TEFAF New York, this exhibition is a continuation of August’s solo exhibition Autumn Dreams in 2021. It marks the artist’s evolution of art and showcases his astonishing new works, which depict dreamy summer imagery inspired by the constantly changing seasons. August’s new series features his signature big-eyed characters, leading viewers to be entranced in surreal and intuitive meditation.
August creates whimsical paintings using the Surrealist automatism technique, without any prior sketches or ideas, guided solely by his subconscious mind. His exaggerated-eyed creatures not only portray the artist’s inner voice but also engage in a conversation with the audience. The artist himself has said, “I don’t choose my characters... in some way they choose me.” August’s creative process is like jazz, intentionally unconscious play that visualises the hidden realm of his inner universe. Unlike August’s consistent melancholy expression, his new series demonstrates an evolving style with vibrancy, along with the characters’ curious gazes and vital summer elements. The artist applies delicate brushstrokes and several thin layers of oil paint and varnish, creating a vivid and dramatic imaginative scene that contrasts with his unbound creative process.
In Summer Friends (2023), August makes prominent use of light and shading to enrich the straightforward composition, creating a misty and sentimental ambience that attracts viewers to explore the metaphorical message hidden therein.Although the interaction offers an open meaning, each viewer’s response or comprehension reveals their innermost desires and thoughts.
Through August’s innovative fusion of subconscious approach and elaborate style, infinite inspiration will be delivered into the window to your soul like the sweet caress of a Summer Breeze.
About August Vilella
August Vilella is a self-taught painter who creates oil paintings that open dialogue with contemporary and classical art. Working in the Surrealist automatism method, he creates without any previous sketches or ideas. Each painting has a unique psychical opening and meaning that reflect the subconscious mind.
Using classical oil techniques, his works evoke a dream-like aura in a magical, metaphorical and philosophical language.The use of light and shadows and refined brushstrokes in his works recall works of the old masters, presenting an interesting juxtaposition with his cartoonish characters. August’s characters often feature big stylised eyes, and through their insightful gaze, the audience is invited to engage with their deep emotions and explore them with quiet introspections.
Born in Barcelona in 1986, August has won numerous artist prizes including Best Artist at the Tokyo International Art Fair in 2016, Best Innovative Art at The Global Art Awards of Dubai (UAE) in 2017, and the International Artist Grand Prize and Chairman ś Award in the Art Revolution Taipei in 2018. In 2022, August reached an important milestone in his artistic career, with his paintings successfully exhibited at prestigious events such as Art Basel in Miami, Art Basel in Hong Kong, and TEFAF in New York. Additionally, he held a successful solo exhibition titled Memories at the historic Kudan House in Chidoya City of Tokyo. August’s works have been featured in various prominent media outlets, including Vice, Hi-Fructose, and Beautiful Bizarre, further solidifying his status as a highly regarded contemporary artist.
About JPS Gallery
Established in Hong Kong in 2014 and later in Japan, Paris and Barcelona, JPS Gallery is an independent contemporary art gallery presenting works of emerging and established artists from around the world.
The gallery is founded with a passionate spirit that dedicates to the new digital age and the exploration of the world of fine art and pop culture.We aim to create an innovative environment for a new generation of artists and collectors, fostering a creative space for all. We focus on fun and playful works of the era that spans across different mediums and disciplines, showcasing a discerning selection of works that embody the aesthetics of today.
We are committed to supporting the culture and art scene in Asia and Europe, creating a vibrant local art community.The gallery regularly presents works of emerging artists in our gallery spaces in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris as well as international art fairs, giving them a platform to gain global exposure, supporting young artists to launch their careers. JPS has also been an active contributor to society and the local art scene by sponsoring various charity events and auctions.
Shops 218-219, 2/F, LANDMARK ATRIUM, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong.