1987 年,一座傳奇的遊樂園曾建於德國漢堡並風靡一時,園內的遊樂設施和景點均由才華洋溢的奧地利藝術家 André Heller 率領一眾當時最頂尖級的藝術家打造。
直至 2022 年,Drake 和他的娛樂公司 DreamCrew 購買這些遊樂設施,並決定在洛杉磯一個近似公園環境的地皮上投資重建,而該項目的總投資額超過 1 億美元。
《 Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy 》最終選址在洛杉磯一座佔地6萬平方英尺的倉庫中開業,場內充滿異想天開的嘉年華氣氛,務求為一眾遊客提供創新的遊樂設施體驗。考慮到其中一些展品易碎,且並非所有展品都可供騎乘,因此部分景點只供遊客在內及其周圍漫步打卡。
《 Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy 》現已在洛杉磯向公眾開放,並持續展覽到2024 年春季。DreamCrew 的Anthony Gonzales 亦已宣布《 Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy 》將作為長期計畫的響頭炮,而該計畫更寄望能進一步探索藝術與當代社會彼此之間的關係。
In 1987, Hamburg, Germany became the home of an extraordinary amusement park, populated by rides and attractions constructed by the most innovative artists of the time. This was the brainchild of the talented Austrian artist André Heller.
When the original showcase ended its inaugural run, there were plans to put the show on the road, with appearances slated for Amsterdam and California; but litigation concerning ownership stopped any plans for the tour. 30 pavilions were packed up and stashed in storage — left forgotten for nearly four decades.
Then in 2022, Drake and his entertainment firm, DreamCrew, purchased the rides and invested in recreating a park-like environment in Los Angeles, shelling out somewhere north of $100 million in total for the project.
”Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy“ has opened in a 60,000-square-feet warehouse in Los Angeles, providing visitors with an opportunity to experience the whimsical carnival atmosphere with the original rides.
Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy is now open to the public in Los Angeles and run through the spring of 2024. Anthony Gonzales of the DreamCrew also announced that ”Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy“ will be the first part of a long-term project that explores the connection between art and modern society.
• 資料及圖片轉載自 @lunaluna