位於美國 #拉斯維加斯 的 #MSGSphere 球形劇場是目前全球最大的球形建築,耗資 23 億美元(約 180 億港元)打造。這座球體場館高 111 米,直徑約 157 米,位於 #威尼斯人酒店 旁邊,不僅是世界上最大的球體建築物,其外牆的 120 萬盞 LED 燈組成 5.4 萬平方米的螢幕,更是全球最大的 LED 螢幕 。
這個場館內部可以容納約 18,000 人,同時設有一個佔地超過 15,000 平方米的環形 LED 螢幕,其解析度為 19000 x 13500。觀眾可以直接裸視進入逼真的 VR 世界,而不需要戴上眼鏡,就像這次演唱會現場所呈現的那樣,效果非常驚人。
美國殿堂級樂隊 #U2 在9月29日在這座建築的首個演出中呈現了極佳的效果。在現場觀眾所拍攝的影片中,這個球形建築物的內部呈現出相當震撼的效果。演唱者被巨大的螢幕包圍,就像是置身於 IMAX 環繞螢幕下進行演出,這樣的場景讓人仿佛身處於一個夢幻的世界之中。
The MSG Sphere in Las Vegas is the world's largest spherical building, standing 111 meters tall and 157 meters in diameter, with a cost of $2.3 billion. It has a 54,000 square meter LED screen on its outer wall, made up of 1.2 million LED lights, making it the world's largest #LEDscreen . It is situated next to the Venetian Hotel.
The recently revealed superstructure of a building contains four concrete cores and 32 steel trusses, using a total of 9,700 tons of steel. The structures are combined to form ring beams, along with other supporting elements. The building is 112 meters tall and 157 meters wide at its widest point.
The venue has a capacity of around 18,000 people and features a ring-shaped LED screen covering over 15,000 square meters with a resolution of 19,000 x 13,500. The audience can experience a realistic VR world without glasses, resulting in an impressive effect as seen in the concert.
U2's first performance in a spherical building on September 29th was impressive. The unique interior design features a large surround screen that creates a dream-like atmosphere for the audience.