日本藝術家 #小野川直樹 @naokionogawa 從小就對傳統摺紙藝術產有濃厚的興趣。小野川僅用一雙手便能摺出翼長不超過一公分的紙鶴,然後他會將這千百隻微型紙鶴滿佈在盆景雕塑上,創造他極具代表性的 《 紙鶴樹 》 雕塑系列。
「 紙鶴 」或「 折鶴 」對日本人來説是 「 和平 」 和 「 祝禱 」 的象徵,而盆景則象徵著 「 生命力 」。在2011年日本發生311大地震時,小野川還是個學生。他在隔年造訪陸前高田地區後,他對這裡所受到的巨大破壞感到極度震驚,而正是這段經歷啟發了他開始製作象徵祝禱的微型紙鶴。
Japanese artist #NaokiOnogawa developed a deep interest in the ancient art of origami from a young age. Using just his hands, Onoawa folds origami cranes with wingspans that never top a single centimeter. He then places hundreds and thousands of these minuscule cranes to asymmetric tree forms, creating his iconic bonsai-like “Origami Crane Tree” series.
In Japan, paper cranes, known as #Orizuru, are associated with “prayers”, while bonsai holds a distinct significance related to “vitality”. When the earthquake and tsunami hit the Tohoku region on March 11, 2011, Onogawa was still a student. Visiting the Rikuzentakada area the next year, he was deeply moved by the widespread destruction. This encounter inspired him to start creating miniature paper cranes as symbols of hope and prayer.
Onogawa meticulously hand-folds all his miniature Orizuru, a task that is repetitive yet meditative. The group of cranes that are formed seems vibrant and energetic, almost as if they are ready to soar into the sky.
🎥 Naoki Onogawa
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小野川直樹 / 雙手摺出最微小紙鶴 盛載他最真摯的祝福
Published on September 5, 2024