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【 #藝術新知 ▪Pokémon x 梵高博物館▪梵高與比卡超的特殊關係】

為慶祝創館五十週年,荷蘭 #梵高博物館@vangoghmuseum 最近與日本 #Pokémon@pokemon 合作,將可愛的精靈寶可夢融入到經典的梵高藝術世界中。這次聯乘最引人注目的是以梵高名畫進行改造的六幅作品 ,讓大家重新感受這些經典作品。其中,《 #戴灰氈帽的自畫像 》(1887年)中的梵高變成了比卡超,引發網友熱議。另一幅作品則將向日花怪變成著名作品《 #向日葵 》(1889年),效果十分出色。還有一幅作品《 #在亞爾的臥室 》,畫作呈現出更加舒適的臥室,卡比獸在房間裡休息。

參加者可以跟隨導賞員發掘六幅寶可夢畫作背後的靈感。博物館亦希望吸引更多年輕族群對梵高的作品產生興趣,推出多種周邊商品,例如梵高風格的比卡超公仔、Pokémon 卡套、拼圖,以及模型等。此外,參觀展覽後完成小任務的小朋友還能免費獲得特別版的 Pokémon 卡。

然而,這些商品和紀念卡也吸引了大批投機者的目光,展覽開幕的第一天,這些商品就被大批炒家搶購一空,令很多粉絲感到失望。Pokémon 公司急向粉絲道歉:「由於需求太大,該系列的所有產品都已售罄。我們深切了解到,這讓很多人感到失望,特別是那些希望透過我們的官方電子郵件和社群媒體購買的粉絲。我們正在積極研究如何提供更多帶有灰色氈帽的比卡超特別卡,以滿足粉絲的需求。」。

The Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands partnered with Pokémon to celebrate its 50th anniversary by combining the world of classic Van Gogh art with cute Pokémon. The most eye-catching part of this collaboration is the six works transformed from Van Gogh’s famous paintings, including a piece featuring #Pikachu transformed into Van Gogh and Kirby sleeping in Van Gogh's room.

The exhibition offers guided tours that explore the inspiration behind six Pokémon paintings, aiming to engage younger audiences with Van Gogh's works. The exhibition also features various playful merchandise, including a Pika plush doll wearing Van Gogh's clothes, Pokémon card sets, and puzzles.

However, venue-limited products and special edition cards sold out on the first day due to speculators, disappointing fans. The Pokémon Company apologised for selling out all products in the series due to high demand. They are studying how to provide more special Pikachu cards with grey felt hats in Pokémon Centres in the future to meet the needs of fans.


梵高博物館 #VanGoghMuseum ,位於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹博物館廣場,緊鄰着阿姆斯特丹國家博物館和阿姆斯特丹市立博物館。主要收藏荷蘭著名畫家梵高及其同時代者的作品,同時擁有世上最多的梵高作品館藏。

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam houses the world's largest collection of works by the Dutch painter Van Gogh and his contemporaries. It is located on Museumplein, adjacent to the Rijksmuseum and Stedelijk Museum.


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